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Leading international law firm Herbert Smith Freehills has advised Morgan Stanley and China International Capital Corporation as joint sponsors and underwriters of Linmon Media Limited (09857.HK)’s mainboard listing on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.

Linmon Media, which listed on 10 August 2022, produces and distributes Chinese television drama series, and provides content marketing, derivative licensing and overseas distribution services.

"We are delighted to have worked with Linmon Media, one of the leading entertainment studios in China, on its listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange,” said Hong Kong partner Matt Emsley. "We congratulate the company and sponsors on this successful IPO."

"We have a strong track record of advising on cross-border transactions for Chinese companies seeking access to international investors,” said Beijing partner Zhong Wang. ”In fact, this is the second high-profile Chinese listing in Hong Kong that we have acted on in the last month.”

"Our team, located across offices in Hong Kong and Mainland China, collaborated closely to provide quality legal services to our clients," said Hong Kong senior registered foreign lawyer Jin Kong. "We look forward to continuing to work with our clients and wish Linmon Media every success post listing.”

Partners Matt, Zhong and Jin jointly led the team advising the sponsors, supported by senior associate Jaime Fong, associates Angela Yuen, Eric Yeung, Samuel Au, Brian Ge and Kathy Zhang, trainee Colbert Hung, legal assistants Phyllis Liang and Emma Chen. Associates Kaiwen Sun and Alison Pan provided assistance.

Legal manager Marine Jin led Herbert Smith Freehills Kewei Joint Operation’s Alternative Legal Services business to provide high-efficiency solutions for verification and other document-intensive processes during the listing, assisted by senior legal analysts Shawna Peng and Jean Zhou, and legal specialist Jiang Ling.

Herbert Smith Freehills has significant expertise advising Chinese companies on capital markets transactions. Recently the firm advised Huatai Financial Holdings as the sole sponsor of medical device company Rainmed Medical Limited (02297.HK)’s mainboard listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.



史密夫斐尔香港办公室合伙人艾迈修(Matt Emsley)表示:“柠萌影视是中国领先的娱乐公司之一,我们非常荣幸为其在联交所上市提供助力。我们衷心向柠萌影视和保荐人表示祝贺。” 

史密夫斐尔北京办公室合伙人王重(Zhong Wang)表示:“我们在为寻求接触国际投资者的中国公司提供跨境交易咨询方面保持着优秀记录。事实上,这是我们近一个月服务的第二笔备受瞩目的中国公司在港上市交易。”

史密夫斐尔香港办公室合伙人(高级注册外国律师)孔瑾(Jin Kong)表示:“我们的团队成员来自于中国香港和内地各个办公室,团队密切配合为客户提供优质法律服务。我们期待与两家保荐人继续合作,并祝愿柠萌影视上市后取得更大成功。”

合伙人艾迈修、王重和孔瑾率领律师团队为此次上市的保荐人提供法律服务。主要团队成员包括方靖颐(Senior Associate)、阮颖欣(Associate)、杨俊熙(Associate)、区健聪(Associate)、葛轶(Associate)、张凯西(Associate)、洪从译(Trainee Solicitor)、梁小雨(Legal Assistant)和陈阿婷(Legal Assistant)。孙凯文(Associate)和彭凯琪(Associate)也提供了支持。

金燊(Legal Manager)率领的科伟史密夫斐尔联营办公室替代性法律服务(ALT)联合团队在上市项目期间为招股书验证及其他文件密集型工作提供高效率的解决方案。彭祺程(Senior Legal Analyst)、周雅菁 (Senior Legal Analyst)、江凌(Legal Specialist)提供支持。


Key contacts

Matthew Emsley photo

Matthew Emsley

Managing Partner, China, Hong Kong

Matthew Emsley
Jin Kong photo

Jin Kong

Senior Foreign Registered Lawyer (USA – New York), Hong Kong

Jin Kong

Media contact

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Sally Greig

Sally Greig, Head of Communications, Asia

Hong Kong

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