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Nish advises asset managers on regulatory matters, fund formation and corporate transactions.

Nish blends expertise and deep experience in assisting managers on regulatory change and implementation projects (having assisted many asset managers through the changes brought about by the AIFMD, for example) with expertise and experience in fund formation. It is his intention that his clear understanding of both the products established by asset managers and the regulatory landscape within which asset managers operate will enhance the value of his services to his clients, whether it be advising an asset manager on regulatory or corporate matters for their own account or advising on the establishment, capital raising or reconstruction of a given fund or account.  

Nish's experience includes:

  • advising various asset managers on recent regulatory developments including MiFID II, PRIIPS, the Common Reporting Standard, the forthcoming Senior Managers and Certification Regime and on the implications of Brexit
  • assisting various asset managers with the implementation of the AIFM Directive across their European businesses (including executing the volume re-papering those projects entailed for many managers)
  • advising various asset managers on the establishment of their businesses in the UK
  • advising various asset managers on matters of corporate governance (both from regulatory and succession planning  perspectives)
  • advising on the IPOs and listings in the UK of numerous funds, including Sherborne Investors A and B and Menhaden Capital PLC