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Rohan is an employment lawyer with a focus on enterprise bargaining and industrial disputes.

Rohan is a genuine national expert in the field of enterprise bargaining and industrial disputes, with clients spanning all States and Territories in Australia.

Whilst Rohan has a broad practice spanning all aspects of employment law, his passions are enterprise bargaining, resolving industrial disputes, and helping clients achieve the best possible results in complex employment litigation. He is also particularly experienced in developing and implementing strategies to achieve workplace change.

Rohan has built his practice and reputation to an extent where he is in demand as a first class negotiator, advocate, and litigation and enterprise bargaining strategist. He is also the author, editor and driving force behind the highly regarded and unique textbook “Bargaining under the Fair Work Act”.

Rohan has achieved first class outcomes on many high profile matters, and is a valued advisor to some of Australia’s largest organisations such as Lion, CSL, South32 and Incitec Pivot, among many others. Rohan has particular expertise in the aviation, mining and resources, construction and infrastructure, manufacturing, and public sectors.

Rohan has been recognised by Chambers since 2017 as ‘up and coming’. Rohan has since built his practice to one that covers all our Australian offices, providing significant streams of work to lawyers at each location. His current and recent matters include acting on some of the most significant and high profile industrial disputes and enterprise bargaining rounds in the market. There is no question Rohan is one of the country’s leading industrial relations practitioners.

Rohan is also a mentor for our lawyers who benefit from his ability to successfully manage his practice whilst also undertaking and developing initiatives which benefit our national Employment, Industrial Relations and Safety team as a whole.

He has a tremendous ability to build lasting relationships with clients which have resulted in a highly successful practice. During recent client reviews, clients have commented that Rohan is highly approachable and responsive. Feedback has included that Rohan is “exceptional for skills and his knowledge base… unique in his skillset and talent”, “can grasp complex issues and do this quickly”, and is “exceptional across the board”. Rohan is highly respected, by his peers and his clients, for the depth of his legal knowledge and understanding of his clients’ businesses.

Rohan has deep experience in advising clients and running training workshops, including on the following:

  • enterprise bargaining and industrial disputes, including negotiating with unions and other stakeholders – Rohan has been active in developing strategies to unwind enterprise agreements that have become unsustainable and regularly runs pre-bargaining strategic planning workshops on this topic
  • industrial action – Rohan recently prevented industrial action on a large public infrastructure project from disrupting work on the critical path
  • workplace change, including helping organisations manage change initiatives such as restructuring and redundancy, site closures and relocations, transfers of business, outsourcing and offshoring in a time and cost efficient manner and minimises disruption to the workforce
  • labour models, including advising on ‘sham contracting’ risks and developing sustainable employment conditions, including for the start-up phase of major construction, mining and infrastructure projects
  • picketing, secondary boycotts, union right of entry and construction code compliance – Rohan recently dispersed a picket of thousands of workers blockading a client’s site in the Melbourne CBD and secured contempt findings against a union for breach of Supreme Court orders relating to the picket.