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On 29 December 2023, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of PRC released the latest amendments to the Company Law (new Company Law), set to take effect on 1 July 2024. This revision introduces substantial changes across various areas, including corporate governance and management duties and liabilities. This update looks at key amendments which potentially impact employment management.

Employee Representative Congress and democratic management

Although the existing Company Law has mandated that companies implement democratic management through an Employee Representative Congress or other methods, this provision has in practice been overlooked. Aiming to reinforce the significance of democratic management, the new Company Law introduces a new requirement for companies to establish a democratic management "system" primarily through the Employee Representative Congress.

In addition, the existing Company Law has set out specific situations where companies are required to consult with employees through the Employee Representative Congress or other methods. These situations include deciding on restructuring and major operational issues, and establishing significant internal policies. The new Company Law expands this scope by adding two more scenarios that necessitate employee consultations: filing for liquidation and applying for bankruptcy. This update brings the Company Law into alignment with the provisions in the Employment Contract Law.

Employee representative on the board of directors

The new Company Law requires that companies with at least 300 employees must include employee representative(s) on the board of directors, unless the company's board of supervisors already includes employee representative(s). Under the existing Company Law, this requirement only applies to companies with state-owned interests.

In addition, the new Company Law stipulates that an employee representative on the board of directors can serve as a member of the audit committee, which, constituted by directors, is a novel mechanism introduced by the new Company Law as an alternative to the board of supervisors or individual supervisor(s). This signifies that an employee representative can exercise their supervisory and auditing rights by actively participating in audit processes.

Management duties

The existing Company Law generally stipulates that directors, supervisors, and senior management owe the company a duty of loyalty and a duty of diligence, without clearly defining the implications and requirements of these duties. The new Company Law fills this gap by providing explicit definitions for the two duties:

  • the duty of loyalty requires directors, supervisors, and senior management to take measures to prevent conflicts between their personal interests and those of the company. They are prohibited from leveraging their positions to gain improper benefits.
  • the duty of diligence mandates that directors, supervisors, and senior management perform their roles with reasonable care that is typically expected of managers, in the best interest of the company.

It is also worth noting that the new Company Law extends the application of these two duties to controlling shareholders and actual controllers of a company who do not serve as directors but are involved in the actual execution of company affairs.

Furthermore, the new Company Law provides more detailed regulations for some restrictive provisions under the duty of loyalty, such as restrictions on self-dealing or related-party transactions, seeking company business opportunities, and engaging in competition. The primary enhancements are:

  • broadening the subjects of these regulations from directors and senior management to now include supervisors;
  • introducing the procedural requirement for disclosing and reporting such matters to the board of directors or shareholders' meeting;

establishing the board of directors as the eligible approving body, a role previously reserved only for the shareholders' meeting or general meeting of shareholders.

Management liabilities

The existing Company Law only stipulates that directors, supervisors, and senior management are liable for compensation when they cause losses to the company due to violations of laws, regulations, or the company's article of association.

The new Company Law introduces a new provision that directors or senior management will be jointly liable with the company if they cause damage to others due to intentional acts or gross negligence in the performance of their duties. This implies that directors and senior management are now subject to a heightened level of personal accountability. They are not only responsible for the company's losses due to their misconduct but also for the damages caused to third parties.

Key Takeaways

On one hand, the new Company Law strengthens the protection of employee rights by ensuring their representation in the company's governance and democratic management system. On the other hand, it amplifies the duties and liabilities of management, presenting new challenges in the appointment and carrying out of duties of directors, supervisors, and senior executives. Employers should make necessary adjustments in line with the new Company Law's requirements. This could include setting up an Employee Representative Congress, incorporating employee representatives into the board of directors, and ensuring that all management personnel are fully aware of their duties and responsibilities.











  • 忠实义务要求董事、监事、高级管理人员应当采取措施避免自身利益与公司利益冲突,不得利用职权牟取不正当利益。
  • 勤勉义务要求董事、监事、高级管理人员执行职务应当为公司的最大利益尽到管理者通常应有的合理注意。



  • 将适用主体从董事和高级管理人员扩大到了包含监事;
  • 明确了应当向董事会或者股东会报告的程序性要求;








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Fatim Jumabhoy

Managing Partner, Singapore, Singapore

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