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Leading global law firm Herbert Smith Freehills has advised China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) on the signing of a long-term LNG purchase deal with US-based LNG producer Venture Global.

Under the 20-year contract, Sinopec will purchase 4 million tonnes of LNG per year from Venture Global's LNG project in Plaquemines, Louisiana. In addition, Unipec, an affiliate of Sinopec, will purchase 3.8 million tonnes of LNG from Venture Global's Calcasieu Pass project, also in Louisiana.

"We are delighted to have advised our longstanding client Sinopec on such a high-profile transaction," said Beijing partner Monica Sun, head of the firm's China energy practice. "This reflects the accelerated global energy shift to gas and China's determined effort to achieve its carbon-neutrality goal."

全球领先的律师事务所史密夫斐尔助力中国石化与美国维吉液化天然气公司(Venture Global LNG)签署液化天然气(LNG)长期购销协议。

维吉公司将通过其位于路易斯安那州的Plaquemines项目,向中国石化供应为期20年、每年400万吨的液化天然气资源。此外,中国石化的关联公司联合石化还将从维吉公司的Calcasieu Pass项目购买总计380万吨液化天然气资源。


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Monica Sun

Partner, Beijing

Monica Sun

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Sally Greig

Sally Greig, Head of Communications, Asia

Hong Kong

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Mainland China Corporate Oil and Gas Monica Sun