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To mark the fifth anniversary of the introduction of the Mediation Practice Direction in Hong Kong, Herbert Smith Freehills has recently conducted a client survey on the use of ADR in Asia generally, and specifically on mediation in Hong Kong. The results will be presented in a publication to be launched at an interactive client seminar on 29 January 2015 in Hong Kong.

The initiative follows our previous leading research on how blue-chips are using ADR and our lead role in a recent landmark convention in London on "Shaping the Future of International Dispute Resolution", looking at what corporate users need from ADR.

Leading the research on ADR use in Asia is Julian Copeman, who bolsters our Asia ADR capability by his relocation from London to Hong Kong. Julian, a Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) accredited mediator with considerable expertise in mediation, heads up the Hong Kong Dispute Resolution practice and is also head of the Greater China practice. Joining the initiative on the international arbitration side is May Tai, a Hong Kong partner previously based in our Beijing office, who has recently also received mediator accreditation from CEDR in Hong Kong.

May joins 13 other accredited mediators across the Herbert Smith Freehills global network — Simon Clarke, Julian Copeman, John Farr, Ian Gatt QC, Heather Gething, Peter A. Smith, Tom Leech QC, Patrick Robinson, Adam Johnson, Gary Milner-Moore, Alexander Oddy, Robert Hunter, and David Phillips.

"I wanted to add another option to the list of dispute resolution options for our clients", May commented on her recent accreditation. "Mediation is becoming an increasingly common way to resolve disputes, especially in Greater China, where the business culture is typically less confrontational and litigious."

Drawing on his experience of resolving disputes in England and Hong Kong, Julian added: "Mediation is well established in the UK and US, but is still relatively new in Hong Kong outside specialist areas. It suits the business culture here as it allows for alternative non-monetary solutions like discounts, future exclusivity and loyalty bonuses, as well as reducing costs. It is growing in popularity, although our client survey will reveal just how embedded it is in Hong Kong."

Please contact Julian Copeman, May Tai, Anita Phillips, or Gareth Thomas (Head of Commercial Litigation in Hong Kong) for details on our client research. If you would like to attend the seminar in Hong Kong on 29 January, please contact

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