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There are so many ESG-related publications and developments that it is hard to keep abreast of them all. For this reason, every two weeks, our firm has been publishing a tracker of ESG-related publications and developments, with a primary focus on developments that may be of most interest to or impact our clients, be they corporates, asset managers or asset owners.

Key updates covered in this edition include:

  • The adoption by the European Parliament of a resolution on the effects of climate change on human rights and the role of environmental defenders. The resolution calls on the Commission and EU member states to strengthen the linkage between human rights and the environment throughout their policies and external action, as well as to assist and support international, regional and local human rights mechanisms in addressing environmental challenges;
  • The publication of President Biden’s Executive Order on climate-related financial risks, which sets out wide-ranging transparency, disclosure and investment implications for investors, companies, life savings and pension schemes, federal lenders and underwriters, and regulators;
  • On 21 May 2021, the Spanish Law 7/2021, of May 20, on climate change and energy transition was published in the Official State Gazette; and
  • The Spanish Council of Ministers approved the "I Circular Economy Action Plan".

If you have any ESG-related questions, please get in touch with your usual Herbert Smith Freehills contact who will be able to direct you as appropriate.