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Amur Gas Chemical Complex (SIBUR’s subsidiary)

Advising on the FEED and EPSS contracts for construction of the Amur Gas Chemical Complex


Advising on two concurrent class action proceedings arising the listing of Murray Goulburn Unit Trust in 2015 and subsequent announcements. HSF also advised in relation to related ASIC and ACCC investigations. 

Johnson & Johnson/DePuy International Ltd

Advised in defending a number of class actions involving allegations of defective production and negligence in the manufacture of hip implants. Proceedings were initially brought in various jurisdictions by 4 different plaintiff law firms, and then consolidated in the Federal Court of Australia

Lloyds Banking Group

Successfully represented Lloyds Banking Group in defending a high profile claim brought by around 6,000 shareholders in relation to the acquisition of HBOS at the height of the financial crisis. The claim proceeded by way of a group litigation order and involved highly complex legal and factual issues as well as novel damages claims. The claim was heard in a 19 week trial in late 2017/early 2018. Judgment was handed down in November 2019 and Lloyds was successful in having all claims dismissed. 

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Acting in class action proceedings in the NSW Supreme Court against claims alleging misleading or deceptive conduct and continuous disclosure breaches by Lendlease in respect of the performance of its Engineering and Services Business. The case raises questions in relation to provisions of the Corporations Act, ASX Listing Rules, and complex issues of causation and calculation of loss.

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Advising BHP on strategic matters and two class actions arising from the Samarco Dam in one of the largest shareholder class actions in Australia, in terms of claim period, number of group members and share trades. It raises several novel issues including the breadth of group membership, multiplicity of proceedings and parallel criminal proceedings in Brazil.

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