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Claves de la reforma laboral

n este video, José Ignacio Jiménez-Poyato, director de EPI de la oficina de Madrid, resume los puntos esenciales de la reforma laboral cuyo objetivo es generar empleo sobre la base de mayor contratación indefinida, hacer excepcional la contratación temporal, fomentar la incorporación de jóvenes al mercado laboral y crear nuevos mecanismos de flexibilidad interna en las empresas para evitar la destrucción de empleo.


Key changes to Spanish employment legislation

In this video, José Ignacio Jiménez-Poyato, head of the Madrid office's EPI practice, summarises the most significant reforms made to employment legislation in Spain, which aim to stimulate employment by increasing indefinite employment contracts, limiting the use of fixed-term employment contracts to exceptional circumstances , fostering access by young people to the labour market and creating new internal flexibility mechanisms within companies to prevent the job destruction.

Key contacts

José Ignacio Jiménez-Poyato photo

José Ignacio Jiménez-Poyato

Consultant, Head of Practice - Employment, Madrid

José Ignacio Jiménez-Poyato

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Madrid Employment The Future of Work José Ignacio Jiménez-Poyato