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Jaime is a Partner in the litigation, ADR and arbitration practice.

Jaime joined Herbert Smith Freehills on September 2011 from another leading international law firm. He specialises in banking litigation and insolvency law.

He also has wide experience in general civil litigation; in advising clients in sanctioning proceedings before regulatory bodies (CNMV and Bank of Spain); and in commercial and investment arbitration (SCC, ICC, CIADI and ICSID among others).

His experience include, among others:

  • Barclays Bank on insolvency and pre-insolvency proceedings of Spanish corporates
  • Barclays Bank and Barclays Bank on litigation related to alleged misselling of financial instruments (structured notes, IRS, preference shares, etc.)
  • Barclays Bank on litigation on valid enforcement of first demand guarantees
  • Barclays Bank on litigation on valid constitution of collateral on financial instruments
  • BAML on insolvency and pre-insolvency strategic issues in the context of acquisition of NPL portfolios in Spain
  • BAML on insolvency and pre-insolvency proceedings of Spanish corporates
  • Oaktree on insolvency and pre-insolvency strategic issues in the context of acquisition of NPL portfolios in Spain
  • CACIB on the pre-insolvency proceedings of the Abengoa group.
  • an international financial institution on litigation related to alleged misselling of financial instruments (structured notes, IRS, preference shares, etc.)
  • an international financial institution on litigation connected with the terms of acquisition of a NPL.
  • a Spanish securitization funds management company on an individualized internal management contract executed with three banks which originated the mortgage backed loans assigned to a securitization fund
  • a number of natural persons in different sanctioning proceedings before the Spanish regulator deriving from alleged market abuse and insider trading.
  • three directors of a Spanish public financial institution (caja de ahorros) in sanctioning proceedings before the Bank of Spain deriving from alleged negligent management.
  • Hayfin on insolvency and pre-insolvency strategic issues in the context of acquisition of NPL portfolios in Spain
  • The Royal Bank of Scotland on the insolvency proceedings of Mediapro and Reyal Urbis
  • Banco Santander on litigation related to alleged misselling of financial instruments (preference shares, structured notes, IRS, etc.)
  • Banco Santander on general banking litigation (enforcement of first demand guarantees; valid constitution/enforcement of personal guarantees and collateral; disputes on the valid acceleration of facility agreements, etc.)
  • BBVA on litigation related to alleged misselling of financial instruments (preference shares, structured notes, IRS, etc.)
  • The Kingdom of Spain on international arbitration proceedings deriving from claims lodged by foreign investors under the ECT
  • a leading renewable company on a commercial arbitration against an equipment provider
  • a leading company in the extraction, processing and sale of natural stone on the restructuring of a €557 million syndicated loan held by the company
  • a global financial services company in the context of securities loan enforcement proceedings
  • two companies of a global financial services firm on a termination claim lodged by the administrators in the Martinsa Fadesa's insolvency proceedings
  • a financial institution on contentious and pre-contentious advice related to corporate and unfair competition issues
  • a leading private investment firm in preparing an offer to acquire a NPL portfolio from RBS
  • an international renewable energy group on administrative claims related to the awarding of a private tariff to a solar thermal plant


He has a law degree from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE E-1). He has a high level of English and is also fluent in French. He is currently an adjunt professor at IE University.