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Oliver specialises in Dispute Resolution and Business and Human Rights.

Oliver advises multinational corporations on English law and international business and human rights and ESG issues.

His broad commercial disputes practice covers strategic advice, litigation, arbitration and mediation on complex cross-border matters. He has a particular focus on energy and mining disputes, including class actions.

His business and human rights and ESG advice includes advising clients across all sectors on the various United Nations and OECD frameworks on human rights, international human rights standards, human rights policies, the UK Modern Slavery Act, due diligence and reporting, crisis management, operational-level grievance mechanisms and human rights-related supply chain issues.

Oliver has been a key member of the firm's market-leading (Chambers Band 1, 2017-2020) Business and Human Rights practice and ESG practice since their inception, working in collaboration with members of the global team, including in New York, Paris, Hong Kong, SE Asia and Australia.

Oliver's recent experience includes advising:

  • an international energy company in response to allegations by an African community of breaches of human rights and environmental damage, including advice in relation to a potential class action and operational-level grievance mechanism
  • various clients in relation to their obligations under the UK Modern Slavery Act, their relevant policies, practices and practical steps in response
  • a multi-national client in connection with a complaint before the UK National Contact Point with respect to  alleged human rights issues in an associated company's overseas operations
  • various clients on the design and implementation of human rights polices in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • various clients on the human rights impacts (or potential impacts) of their operations in conflict/post-conflict states and/or in jurisdictions where respect for the rule of law and/or local operating standards are low
  • a multi-national mining company on a strategic view of the ESG, human rights and other related risks of its global network of non-operated joint ventures



Oliver holds an MA in law from Cambridge University, as qualification in Law and International Development and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Human Rights and Development Management from the Open University. Oliver trained at Herbert Smith Freehills, qualified as a solicitor in England and Wales in 2009 and as a solicitor advocate in 2011.